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A TEMPO | Comunicação (Communication)

©Filipe Ferreira
Dates and Schedules

12 to 15 February
Wednesday to Saturday, 7:30pm


Sala Mário Viegas


€12 with discounts (Covered by the Culture Pass - available only at the Theater ticket office)

Age Restriction

To be classified by the CCE

Portuguese Sign Language Relaxed Session

Espetáculos e conferência com interpretação em Língua Gestual Portuguesa.

Espetáculos legendados em português
12 a 15 fevereiro, quarta a sábado, 19h30


At a time when contemporary societies insist on an exacerbated acceleration of everyday life, when the Performing Arts are absorbed by production systems that empty the place of experimentation – the place of simply being – this meeting between André Uerba and Tony Weaver proposes a rupture in the paradigmatic work system of the Performing Arts. They propose to meet again and transform the idea of work into an idea of encounter. To look into each other’s eyes and traverse together territories of fear, intimacy, desire, autobiography and emotional release practices. Between crossed gazes, interpretations and inner conversations, questions emerge about the triangulation of communication and the sensitivity of listening beyond hearing. They leave for this meeting with the desire to parachute, to scream – almost as an act of letting go, abandoning – or perhaps as an act of touching (the) ground.



A Tempo | Triptych on idleness

‘We’ve never met. We’ve never exchanged a word or a gesture, but without knowing it, we’re going to spend three weeks together.’ A Tempo is a multidisciplinary creation in three acts that challenges three pairs of artists from different languages to work around the same motto: the relationship between ‘being and time’. Without ever meeting, each duo works towards this common performative object that mirrors three different axes – Communication, Space and Memory – the need to rethink time and the quality of relationships. Curated by Marco Paiva, A Tempo brings together André Uerba and Tony Weaver (Communication), André Murraças and Mia Menezes (Space) and Raquel André and Aliu Baio (Memory).



Support for publicity  

Cast and Creative

Curatorship Marco Paiva Creation André Uerba and Tony Weaver Interpretation in Portuguese Sign Language Bárbara Pollastri Consultancy Diana Niepce – Disability Arts, Maria Vlachou – Acesso Cultura Executive Production Nuno Pratas /// Project funded by the Directorate-General for the Arts Co-production Culturproject – Gestão de projetos culturais, Terra Amarela and São Luiz Teatro Municipal


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